St Mary’s Minis

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St Mary’s Minis is a midweek toddler group for children aged 0-5, their parents and carers.

Come and join us every Wednesday in term time for a warm welcome, yummy piece of cake and healthy snacks for your little ones, plus plenty of chances to play, chat and laugh together.

The group is friendly and informal with a range of activities for toddlers to enjoy – from singing to crafts to toddler-friendly bible stories.

When do we meet?

Wednesdays during term time, 10-11.30am, St Mary’s Parish Rooms, Church Street, Chipping Norton.

Contact for more details


Business Name: St Mary's Minis

Address: The Parish Rooms, Church Street, Chipping Norton, OX7 5NT

Opening Times:

Wednesdays during term time, 10-11.30am


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