The Best YouTube Yoga Channels to Get Your Kids Moving!

mum and child yoga, you tube yoga videos for kids

One of the most appealing aspects of yoga is that this art form can be practiced at any age. This is one of the reasons why parents often encourage their children to become involved. In fact, studies have even shown that performing these movements can help to increase concentration and to develop self-discipline. However, some movements can be more difficult to master when compared to others. This is why video tutorials are extremely useful. Let’s quickly examine eight YouTube channels dedicated to yoga for children.

Cosmic Kids Yoga

Cosmic Kids is arguably the most well-known yoga channel for children and some of their videos have been released on Amazon Prime. Entertaining backgrounds, immersive music and classes that have been structured around engaging stories are all some of the reasons why this channel is worth a closer look.

Alissa Kepas and Alo YOga

Working with the team at Alo Yoga, Alissa Kepas has designed a series of child-friendly videos for those who are new to this unique form of exercise. One unique attribute of this media content is that adults are seen practicing alongside children; a great way for parents to join in during a training session.

Yoga with Adriene

While there are no fancy digital backgrounds or musical soundtracks, Yoga with Adrienne is both wholesome and immersive. Classes are set within natural environments and Adrienne makes it a point to proactively communicate with children; providing a decidedly personal touch.

Yoga Ed.

Yoga Ed. has been particularly created for children aged between three and five years. The movements are basic and yet, they can lay the groundwork for future progress. Small virtual classes of four students offers a personal touch and the teachers will also interact with viewers during each session.

Bari Koral

Many online yoga review sites consider Bari Koral to represent one of the most influential YouTube personalities. Not only are classes offered, but Ms. Koral has created a kaleidoscope of songs can be be played during a training session.

Karma Kids Yoga

This New York-based yoga channel encourages what it calls “play yoga”; allowing children to become more actively engaged. It also provides instructional courses for parents, descriptions of yoga equipment (such as the bolsters found at and unique live streaming sessions.

Kidding Around Yoga

There is nothing wrong with imbuing yoga classes with a bit of humour and this is one of the core tenets behind the videos produced by the team at Kidding Around. If your child does not seem to be entertained with traditional videos, this channel is worth a closer look.

Yo Re Mi

This final suggestion is unique due to the fact that parents and children alike can participate in their classes. Stressing the role of music and balanced movements, this system has also been used within educational settings.

Please take some time to examine each of these child-friendly yoga channels on YouTube. The chances are high that you will find what you have been looking for.

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