What To Know When Applying To Oxbridge

Applying to Oxbridge can be a very nerve-wracking experience, and you’ll want to be prepared for it. Below you’ll see the various information that will help you understand what to expect when applying, as well as how you can prepare once you’ve applied. There are a lot of stereotypes surrounding the Oxford and Cambridge universities, but what matters is what happens once you’ve applied, and what you can do to better increase your odds of a successful application.

When it comes to Oxford, they’re not accepting just anyone, and they’re very often having to sift through applicants while filling their roles. The average amount of applications surpasses the number of open roles by six times, which means you’re going to be competing with a large number of applications. It’s because of this that you’ll want to make sure you’re in the right mindset when you come to your interview.

It’s not just about what you know, they’re looking to find out more about you and who you are. Carrying on the belief that it takes a special kind of person to make it into the university, they’re looking for someone who can thrive with their resources.

If you’re going to get into Oxbridge, it’s recommended that you do everything you can to solidify your chances. Including having a third party look at your personal statement and make sure that it’s bulletproof. It’s worth all of the investment, as a large number of the students have reported being satisfied with the results of their university course.

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