7 Surprising Benefits of Reading to Children in Bed

There are a huge number of benefits to reading to children, no matter what age they are and something rather special about reading to them in bed.

Need to convince your child?  There are some wonderful quotes for kids about reading like this one from A.A. Milne. “I think we dream so we don’t have to be apart for so long. If we’re in each other’s dreams, we can be together all the time.” – Winnie the Pooh by A.A. Milne.

Why Read to Children in Bed?

Bedtime stories have a whole host of benefits both from educational to strengthening relationships.

Increased Vocabulary

Reading a variety of different bedtime books is a great way to introduce new words. Listening skills and finding out what different words mean is great for communication as children grow up and puts them in a great position at school.

Better Comprehension Skills

Use the time when you’re reading to check your child’s understanding of the story.  You can ask questions as you go through the story and as they get older ask inference questions.  Asking why they think something happened or what might happen next is a great start. By the time they get to their SATs in Year 6 they’ll  have the tricky questions in the reading comprehension test mastered!

Developing Imagination

A wide variety of books starting from picture stories or chapter books as they develop stimulates the imagination and creativity.  You can even make up your own stories together.

Bedtime Routine

Reading to your child in bed just before they go so sleep is a great addition to a bedtime routine.  It sets the cue that it will soon be time to sleep and we all know a good night sleep makes a big difference for kids and their grown ups!

Bonding Time

Don’t underestimate the benefit of having some one to one time with your child.  Curled up in PJs in bed and snuggled up together, it’s a break from busy lives and something they will remember when they get older.

Talking About Emotions

In the busy hubbub of the day it can be hard to talk calmly about emotions.  Bedtime is a good calm and quiet time to reflect on the day and tackle any difficult emotions.  Conker the Chameleon is a charming story providing parents or carers an engaging way to talk about feelings and emotions.

Relieve Stress

It’s not just adults who can destress by reading before they go to sleep.  It’s a great way to take children’s minds off anything that might be worrying them and escape in the wonderful world of books.

Top Tips for Reading Bedtime Stories to Kids

  • Read in the room your child sleeps
  • Snuggle up and get comfortable
  • Choose age appropriate books
  • Set a limit on the number of books or time you’ll read for

Most of all, enjoy the magic of bedtime stories and time with your child.


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