Active Camps Holiday Club | West Oxford

Active Camps multi activity holiday clubs for children aged 3 to 14 years have a great variety of activities with something for all interests.

The West Oxford School Holiday Camp runs from 08:15am until 18.00pm and has a large outdoor area, a basketball court and a big club room which caters for all your child’s needs and interests.

Holiday Camp staff will ensure that your children are provided with fun activities that they are guaranteed to enjoy. They also give children time to relax and have fun with their friends all the while learning something new.

Lots of great activities from arts and crafts to sports and free play.

Arts & Crafts – Papier mâché, drawing/painting, Hama beads/loom bands.
Sports/Games – Table Tennis, football, tennis, basketball, group games and obstacle courses.
Free Play – Den building, board games, role play corner, mud kitchen, Lego, plus much more!


Business Name: Active Camps

Address: West Oxford Primary School, Ferry Hinksey road, Oxford, OX2 0BY

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