Bibs & Bots Baby Group Stockport

New parents often feel the benefit of having somewhere to meet each other and chat about what they’re experiencing. ‘Bibs and Bots’ is a new group designed for parents with pre-mobile babies.

baby group Stockport, tuesday baby group stockport, mum and baby group stockport

A comfortable space to chat with other parents. Refreshments will be served.

Book your session online .

Starts Tuesday 14th September, 10.30am-12noon. Term-time only. £2 per session paid at the door.

Contact Information

Find all the baby & toddler groups and classes in Stockport


Business Name: Bits & Bobs

Address: 360Life Church, 71 Adswood Road, Stockport, SK3 8HR

Opening Times:

Tuesdays 10.30am-12noon Term Time only


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