
Having children is absolutely amazing but it also comes with lots of worries and challenges.  Find top tips on parenting from Red Kite Days experts and Mum guest bloggers.

parenting advice, advice for new mums, potty training tips

Two girls exploring shallow water

Summer Camp in the USA: A Cultural and Educational Experience for Your Kids

Summer camps are a cherished tradition that provides a sanctuary where children can explore new interests, develop essential life ...

A Parent’s Guide To Choosing The Right Holiday Camp For Their Children

The school holidays approach and parents find themselves juggling work schedules with the ever-present question: “What will the ...

Who Will Your Child Become In The Future?

Parents often believe that their children will grow up to be like them. After all, we have such vast influence over their lives.  But ...

Choosing the Best Parental Control

Parental control software can be an essential tool for parents who want to monitor and control their children’s online activity. ...

8 Exciting and Entertaining Classes for Children

Keeping children engaged in fun and educational activities is undeniably crucial for their development. Thankfully, the internet offers ...

Building a Support System for Single Parents: Legal and Community Resources

As a single parent, your world is filled with both joys and challenges unique to your role. Navigating life as the sole caretaker and ...

Important Tips To Introduce Kids Safely To Technology

These days, no matter how hard a parent may try to avoid it, technology is everywhere. Raising a child in an environment so heavily ...

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Divorce, know your options and what support is out there for you and your family.

Although not the easiest topic to discuss divorce affects a large number of families. 43% of marriages in the uk end in divorce so we ...

Children and the Death of a Pet – Tips to Help Them Through it

Losing a pet was, for many of us, our first experience of death. So we know how much it hurts. We look at practical tips for helping ...

kids cycle safety, kids cycle helmet

How You Can Ensure Your Kid’s Safety While Biking: Tips to Remember

Biking is indeed a fantastic way for kids to have fun, stay active, and develop essential skills like balance and coordination. ...

How to Prepare for the Half-term Holidays

If you’re a parent of school-age children, then you might find that your life is divided up into chunks of term-time, separated by ...

What to Do If Your Kid Wants to Create Their Own YouTube Channel

Today, kids are more tech-savvy than ever. They are using tablets and smartphones from an early age, and now many of them are ...

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