Coach Nicola Post Natal Fitness Class | Aylesbury

Coach Nicola’s postnatal fitness class is designed to get you moving, get fit and have fun, whatever your postnatal stage.

postnatal fitness class Aylesbury, mums fitness class aylesbury

The small group sessions are a mixture of cardio and non impact, strengthening exercises, which will help you get fitter and become stronger.  Each 45 minute session includes mobility and core work, a fitness circuit to build your strength and a restorative cool down.

There are options for newly postnatal mums, and for those who are ready for more of a challenge, so you get workout that suits your fitness level.

Before you come to your first session you are invited to a pre-class chat with Nicola to discuss where you are on your postnatal journey and to make sure the exercises are suitable for you. It’s also an opportunity to ask any questions and give you the confidence that you are ready to start exercising.

If you are newly postnatal you will need to have had your GP post birth check and been cleared to exercise, this is usually 6-8 weeks (12 weeks for a c-section birth).

All fitness levels are welcome. And no need to worry about childcare, babies are welcome in this class.

121 Fitness Sessions

As a Holistic Core Restore® coach specialising in women’s fitness, Nicola also offers 121 sessions and programmes for prenatal fitness, pelvic floor health, c-section recovery and diastasis healing.


Business Name: Coach Nicola

Address: Roman Park Hall, Sir Henry Lee Crescent, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, HP18 0YT

Opening Times:

Tuesdays 1.30pm


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