Connecting with Home: Creative Ways to Celebrate with Loved Ones Far Away

Technology has made the world a much smaller place. It has never been easier to connect with people around the world, wherever you are. But staying in touch with family and friends when you are away from home doesn’t just happen, and it is important to be proactive about building and maintaining these important connections when you are living out of a suitcase, in order to make the distance feel less daunting.

Whether you’re living abroad, working overseas for a few weeks, or just want to stay in touch while you are cruising to Mexico, connection with friends and family is important. Here are a few of the best ways to keep the communication channels open however long you are away.

Virtual Parties and Gatherings

Technology is the main driver of our increasingly interconnected world, and video conferencing tools like Zoom, Skype, and FaceTime make it easier than ever before to stay in touch with friends and family and have meaningful interactions with them from wherever you are in the world. Hosting virtual parties and gatherings with the people who mean the most to you is a wonderful way to maintain a face-to-face connection, particularly if you are away for a long period of time or are going to miss a special occasion. From trivia nights and movie marathons to shared meals or just a group chat, video is a lovely way to share your experiences with your family and catch up on everything that has happened in your absence.

Collaborative Projects and Activities

Of course, staying in touch doesn’t have to be a passive activity. Working on a project together, even from a distance, can be an excellent way to maintain a connection, and can even help deepen your bond. Think about projects or crafts that can be done separately or remotely, like taking classes together, planning future trips or endeavors, or creating scrapbooks. With collaborative working tools, you can write blogs, articles, or books together, using your travel experiences to add flavor to your shared project.

Sending Thoughtful Gifts and Care Packages

If you are spending time away from loved ones back home, it is nice to let them know you are thinking of them. And nothing says this quite like a gift or care package sent from your travels. The smallest gesture can be incredibly meaningful, letting them know how much they mean to you and helping them share in your experiences.

Digital Storytelling and Media Sharing

Sharing your journey online is a great way to include your friends and family in your travels and your experiences, and there are countless ways to do this. The obvious way to start is on social media, chronicling your travel through photos and videos on platforms like Instagram and Facebook. But there are plenty of other ways to tell stories as you explore the world. Blogging, for example, is a more in-depth medium, giving you the space to really describe your experiences and destinations and paint a picture for the folks back home.


Celebrating and staying connected with loved ones when you are away from home or overseas doesn’t have to be difficult, no matter how far you go and for how long. Digital technology has come such a long way in the last few years that there are a myriad of tools to help you stay in touch with your friends and family, in more meaningful, deeper ways than ever before. With a little creativity and a bit of thoughtfulness, you can maintain your bonds and never miss another special moment, while including them in your adventures

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