Millets Farm Adventure Golf

millets farm adventure golf, outdoor crazy golf, Millets crazy golf, mini golf oxfordshire

Do you love a game of crazy golf?  My boys can be a little competitive with each other and they love outdoor adventure golf courses.  Millets Farm new adventure golf course opened last summer and we were really impressed.

millets farm adventure golf, outdoor crazy golf, Millets crazy golf, mini golf oxfordshire

The 18 hole adventure golf course has a farmyard theme which is very fitting.  It’s incredibly good quality with lots of attention to detail and variety for each hole.

millets farm adventure golf, outdoor crazy golf, Millets crazy golf, mini golf oxfordshire

One of the largest outdoor miniature golf courses in the country, it’s got the full sensory elements ticket off.  Lots of different textures, routes and during the summer, wonderful flowers and planting throughout.  There are hidden speakers throughout the golf course too, we did jump when we heard a cow moo and there’s everything from birdsong to hens clucking and farmyard style music.

millets farm adventure golf, outdoor crazy golf, Millets crazy golf, mini golf oxfordshire

We particularly loved some of the really unusual elements.  This included a bridge across the water, a big variety of challenges and the wonderful carved animals.

My kids are aged 5, 10 and 12 and this worked out as a really good activity that we could all do together.

millets farm adventure golf, outdoor crazy golf, Millets crazy golf, mini golf oxfordshire

My youngest has his own special technique but with a bit of determination he could complete each hole of the adventure golf course.

millets farm adventure golf, outdoor crazy golf, Millets crazy golf, mini golf oxfordshire

Usually when we’ve been to a crazy golf course, there are are two sizes of clubs, one for adults and one for kids.  Millets Farmyard Adventure Golf has a really good selection of sizes and I think this really made a difference for my kids in what they could achieve and their confidence.

millets farm adventure golf, outdoor crazy golf, Millets crazy golf, mini golf oxfordshire millets farm adventure golf, outdoor crazy golf, Millets crazy golf, mini golf oxfordshire

Each person also chooses a brightly coloured golf ball which means you can all play easily at the same time without mixing up the balls.

millets farm adventure golf, outdoor crazy golf, Millets crazy golf, mini golf oxfordshire

The adventure golf course is located next to the soft play so that’s the perfect spot to head to for parking.  After a game you can always enjoy going to see the animals free of charge or head to the farm shop for some delicious treats to take home.


Business Name: Millets Farm

Address: Kingston Road, Frilford, Oxfordshire, OX13 5HB


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